Unbreakable - Memories ♥

Sunday 20 February 2011,8:45 am
Talk talk talk

By Joshua:

Today me and Dinda started talking on Blackberry Messenger, like we do every day, we had been talking for a few hours until we started to exchange voice notes (you can record your voice and send it to your conversation partner). It is really fun to talk this way, we can make each other laugh easily and we can save each other's voice notes so that we can listen to them when we miss each other. But today we didn't send voice note in English, we tried to talk in Indonesian language! :) I am from England and Dinda is from Indonesia. If you are in a long distance relationship, with somebody from another country, then it is good to try to learn their language, it will show them they you really care about them and respect their background and also it can impress their family members, so hopefuly they will approve of you! :) In mine and Dinda's relationship, I spend around 6 weeks per year in Indonesia and also I will move to Indonesia after university, so it is important for me to be able to speak Indonesian!

If you don't have a Blackberry then there are many other options, you can voice chat or even video chat on Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Skype, or even just e-mail each other videos of yourselfs talking. It is a good way to have fun together, strengthen your relationship and to learn a new skill perhaps. :)